Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Lee Ching Dea Memorial College
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一年一度LCDMC's Got Talent 已在2023年12月19日一片歡呼聲中結束。今年除了學生施展渾身解數,爭奪歌唱或舞蹈比賽冠軍寶座外,也有5隊師生隊表演,增加師生互動的機會,到抽獎環節,台下同學更是情緒高漲。最難忘的是上海莘庄中學師生到校與我們一起迎接聖誕,更參與表演,氣氛熱鬧。


The much-anticipated LCDMC's Got Talent event wrapped up with thunderous applause on December 19, 2023. This year's edition was filled with incredible performances from our talented students, as they battled it out for the titles of singing and dancing champions. But that's not all! We also had the pleasure of witnessing five fantastic acts featuring both teachers and students, fostering a delightful atmosphere of collaboration. And the energy in the room reached new heights during the exciting lucky draw segment.

However, the icing on the cake was undoubtedly the visit from our friends at Shanghai Xinzhuang Middle School. They joined us in welcoming the Christmas spirit and even took part in the performances, adding a festive touch to the event. It was an absolute blast, and the camaraderie between students and teachers made the occasion truly memorable.