主任 譚采瑩老師 Ms. Tam Tsoi Ying |
副主任 吳琬怡老師 Ms. Ng Yuen Yi |
組員 林嘉言老師,鄭志鳳老師,伍涵老師, 黃詠儀老師, 陳志強老師 Mr. Lam Kar Yin, Ms. Cheng Chi Fung, Ms. Ng Haam, Ms, Wong Wing Yee, Ms Chan Chi Keung (Reflection Learning) |
組員照片 |
宗旨 / 理念 / 目標
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推行東華三院院本德育課程,透過了解東華三院的歷史及醫療、教育及社會福利服務,培養學生積極正面的人生觀,實踐關懷社會,服務社群的東華精神。 To enable students to understand more about the history, the medical services, the education services and the community services of TWGHs and develop positive values and the spirit of serving the community. |
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舉行多元化的活動,例如:早會、周會、講座、展覽及參觀體驗活動等,建立學生正確的價值觀、客觀的分析及積極健康的生活態度。 To develop students’ positive values, analytical minds and proactive attitudes through various activities, e.g. morning assembly sharing sessions, assemblies, talks, exhibitions and visits, etc. |
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致力建立關愛感恩文化,透過關愛和諧校園活動,如「活出彩虹」生命教育活動等,讓學生學習珍惜及關愛。另推行「彩虹計劃」,讓學生了解培養良好品格的重要性,多作自評反思。 To establish a culture of care and thankfulness. By organising different activities and reflections, including the ‘Rainbow’ Life Education and the ‘Rainbow Scheme’, students learn how to care for, treasure and cherish others, as well as understand the importance of positive characters and good manners. |
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積極鼓勵學生多參與社會服務,透過「潤田顯愛心」社會服務計劃,培養學生積極貢獻社群、關愛互助的精神,發揮所長,盡其責任。 To encourage students to participate in voluntary works so as to nurture their sense of serving the community, helping the others and responsibility. |
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將德育、公民及國民教育的學習元素,涵蓋於各學習領域的課堂學與教,並且融入相關學習經歷,包括境內外的交流活動、參觀交流,讓學生放眼世界,開拓眼界。 To incorporate the features and elements of moral, civic and national education into the teaching and learning of multiple key learning areas (KLA) and other learning experiences (OLE), for example, students can broaden their horizons when joining visits and exchange programmes. |
1 |
世界宣明會 - 病毒無邊界講座 A Talk about Covid-19 by The World Vision |
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積極人生計劃 - 生命成長體驗學習暨反思歷程訓練日營 Training Workshop of Pupil Ambassador Scheme on Positive Living by the Education Bureau |
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懇親送花顯謝恩 Giving Flowers to Parents to show love and thankfulness |
4 |
東華三院方樹泉長者地區中心 - 中四全級同學探訪筲箕灣區獨居長者 Form 4 Students Visiting the Elderly Living Alone in Shau Kei Wan by TWGHs Fong Shu Chuen District Elderly Community Centre |
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教育局主辦「同根同心:桂林的自然和人文景觀及環境保育內地交流計劃 Natural and Human Landscapes and Environmental Conservation in Guilin by the Education Bureau |