Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Lee Ching Dea Memorial College
18 Cloud View Road, North Point, Hong Kong
Tel: 25715422 | Fax: 25662767

Registration Instructions for S1


中一自行分配學位申請須知 (2025年9月入學)

1. 申請日期

  • 2025年1月2日 (星期四) 至1月16日 (星期四)

2. 申請表索取辦法

  • 可於辦公時間往本校校務處索取申請表。

星期一至五:上午 7:45 至 下午 5:30
星期六       :上午 9:00 至 正午 12:30

3. 中一自行分配學位名額

  • 30人

4. 遞交申請表方法

  • 請把申請表連同下列文件於2025年1月2日 (星期四) 至1月16日 (星期四) 辦公時間 (同上) 交回本校校務處。遞交後,家長會即時收到面試通知回條。

  • 於2025年1月2日(星期四)至1月16日(星期四)期間,透過中一派位電子平台上載申請表格及下列文件。本校會以電話通知家長面試的詳情。若家長想了解更多電子遞交申請表的方法,可參閱教育局的網頁。
  • 必須配合已安裝「智方便+」手機應用程式。
  • 現在可以使用最新版本的「智方便」流動應用程式自行登記「智方便+」。
  • 若你已在手機上安裝了「智方便」手機應用程式,亦可以到全港的任何一個登記站升級「智方便」至「智方便+」。

5. 遞交文件清單:

1. 填妥之本校申請表
2. 教育局提供的「中一自行分配學位申請表」
3. 學生身份證影印本
4. 學生出生證明文件影印本
5. 學生小學五年級上、下學期考試成績表影印本
6. 學生小學六年級上學期考試成績表影印本 (如有需要可後補)
7. 下列範疇相關之嘉許狀、證明或獎狀影印本 (最多共可提交4張)

  • 學業
  • 藝術
  • 體育
  • 服務


  • 申請人不需提交小學推薦信。
  • 按教育局指引,家長切勿向多於兩所參加派位的中學遞交申請表,否則其子女的自行分配學位申請可能會被作廢。
  • 按教育局指引,如家長已透過「中一派位電子平台」遞交申請,請勿向中學重複遞交紙本申請表,反之亦然。

6. 面試

  • 所有申請人均會被安排面試,有關安排可參考面試通知回條。
  • 本校會於2025年3月1日 (星期六) 安排面試,2月底將以電話 / 電郵提醒申請人準時出席。
  • 申請人須由父母或合法監護人陪同出席面試。若未能陪同者,須具家長授權信件以備查考。
  • 面試模式︰會以中、英語面談,不設筆試。

7. 收生準則及比重

  • 學業表現  40%
  • 品行 20%
  • 其他學習經歷 (包括:課外活動、服務獎項、學校評語等) 10%
  • 面試 (學生儀容、禮貌、對答表現及態度) 30%

8. 取錄名單公佈

  • 根據教育局指引,學校將於2025年3月31日(星期一),以電話及書面通知正取學生家長,其子女已獲學校納入自行分配學位正取學生名單。備取及落選之學生依指引將不獲通知。

9. 其他注意事項

  • 若本校為申請人心儀中學,申請人可在統一派位時選擇本校作第一志願,以增加派到本校之機會。
  • 中學學位分配結果將於2025年7月8日(星期二)發放。
  • 凡通過本校全部甄選程序而未能獲分配中一自行分配學位之申請人,其甄選成績將被保留,以便校方在適當時間考慮。
  • 所有收集之個人資料,校方只會用作處理有關之申請事宜。
  • 家長和同學如欲了解更多本校教學、輔導、訓導及課外活動等相關資訊,可瀏覽本校網頁https://www.lcdmc.edu.hk,或教育局網頁查閱本校於中學概覽2024/25內容。

10. 查詢

Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Lee Ching Dea Memorial College
Secondary One Discretionary Places Application (in September 2025)

Guidelines for Application

1. Date of Application:

  • From 2 nd January, 2025 (Thursday) to 16 th January, 2025 (Thursday)

2. Request for the Application Form:

  • Applicants may collect the application form from the school general office.

Monday – Friday (7:45 am – 5:30 pm)
Saturday (9:00 am – 12:30 pm)

3. Number of Secondary One Discretionary Places for 2025/2026:

  • 30

4. Submission of the Application Form:

  • Completed Application Form and the required documents as listed below should be returned to our school general office in person from 2nd January, 2025 (Thursday) to 16th January, 2025 (Thursday). Parents will receive an interview notification reply slip immediately after the submission.


  • Submit application via the SSPA e-Platform from 2 nd January, 2025 (Thursday) to 16th January, 2025 (Thursday). The school will notify parents the details of the interview by phone. For more information about the submission of the electronic form, please refer to the Education Bureau website.
  • It is essential to use the "iAM Smart +" mobile app.
  • You can now register for "iAM Smart +" using the latest version of the "iAM Smart +" mobile app.
  • If you have already installed the "iAM Smart +" mobile app on your phone, you can also upgrade to "iAM Smart +" at any registration location.

5. List of documents to be submitted:

1. Completed School Application Form;
2. Education Bureau's Application Form for Secondary One Discretionary Place;
3. Photocopy of student's Identity Card;
4. Photocopy of student's birth certificate;
5. Photocopies of student's 1 st Term and 2 nd Term School Report Cards in Primary 5;
6. Photocopies of student's 1 st Term School Report Card in Primary 6 (to be replenished if necessary);
7. Photocopies of Certificates of Award or Certificates of Appreciation of Academic Areas/ Competitions / Services / Extra-curricular activities (Maximum: 4 documents can be submitted)



  • NO reference or recommendation letter is needed.
  • Each applicant may apply to NOT MORE THAN TWO participating secondary 
    schools. Otherwise the chance of acquiring a Discretionary Place will be forfeited.
  • If parents have already submitted their application through the "SSPA e-Platform" please do not re-submit the paper application form to the secondary school, and vice versa.

6. Interview:

  • All applicants will be invited to an interview. For arrangements, please refer to the
    interview notification reply slip.
  • The interview will be conducted on 1 st March, 2025 (Saturday). Applicants will be
    reminded to attend on time by phone / email at the end of February.
  • Applicants must be accompanied by their parents or legal guardians to attend the
    interview. If they are not accompanied, they must provide a letter of parental
  • Interviews will be conducted in Chinese and English, and there will be no written test.

7. Selection Criteria and Weighting:

Academic Performance 40%
Conduct 20%
Other Learning Experiences (Including extra-curricular activities, service awards, school reviews, etc.) 10%
Interview (Student appearance, courtesy, answering performance and attitude) 30%

8. Release of List of Successful Applicants for Discretionary Place:

  • Parents of all successful applicants will receive notifications of successful
    Discretionary Place applications by letter and phone on Monday 31st March, 2025Students who are unsuccessful will not be notified according to the guidelines.

9. Points to Note:

  • To ensure better chance of allocation to our school, applicant may choose our 
    school as their first preference in the Central Allocation stage.
  • The results of Discretionary Place application will be announced at the same time 
    with the Central Allocation results on 8 th July, 2025 (Tuesday).
  • For those applicants who have passed all the selection procedures of our school but
    are not allocated Secondary 1 discretionary places, their selection results will be
    retained for consideration by our school.
  • Personal data collected will only be used for the application for S.1 discretionary
    places and related matters.
  • Parents and students who would like to know more about our teaching, counseling,
    discipline and extra-curricular activities, please visit our school website at
    https://www.lcdmc.edu.hk, or the Education Bureau's website at https://www.edb.gov.hk/, and browse the contents of the Secondary School Profiles 2024/2025.

10. Enquiry: