主任 譚采瑩老師 Ms. Tam Tsoi Ying |
副主任 張天恩老師 Ms. Cheung Tin Yan |
34th 學生會Constantine 組員 會長5B 婁劍偉 President 5B LAU KIM WAI , |
宗旨 / 理念 / 目標
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東華三院李潤田紀念中學學生會由1990年起至今已成立了三十多屆學生會,致力培養學生的領導才能,加強學生的組織能力、溝通能力及解難能力等。 The Student Association of T.W.G.Hs. Lee Ching Dea Memorial College was established in 1990 aiming at developing, nurturing and strengthening our students’ leadership skills, organisational skills, communication skills and problem-solving skills which are important for the whole-person development. |
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學生會乃學校與學生之橋樑,為此學生會希望能夠反映學生的看法,與各人攜手進步。為了服務同學以及培養同學對學校的歸屬感,學生會會購置電器(如:微波爐)和物品,並提供售賣物品(如:學生會衛衣)的服務。 To bridge the school and students,reflect the opinions of students so that we will strive for the better us. We also serve our schoolmates and boost our sense of belonging to our school. We purchase electronic appliances, like microwave-ovens, and sell goods, like the SA hoody. |
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學生會每年都舉辦各項受歡迎的活動,當中包括各類球賽、派對、才藝表演、遊戲等,其中也不乏與校內其他科組或校外機構合辦之活動。 To organize popular activities including various ball games, parties, talent shows and games, etc. every year. Some of these are co-organised with various subjects, function groups as well as other organisations. |
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第三十二屆學生會交職典禮 The Inauguration of the 32nd Student Association |
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第三十二屆學生會答問大會 The Forum of the 32nd Student Association |
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第三十一屆學生會交職典禮 The Inauguration of the 31st Student Association |
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教授中一級同學結領帶 Teaching Form 1 Students to tie their school ties By Cohesion |
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學生會聖誕聯歡會︰歌唱比賽 Student Association Christmas Party- Singing Contest By Serendipity |